EOLAS creates a new Blue Social Growth training – Free

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EOLAS creates a new Blue Social Growth training - Free

Do you have any ideas for social entrepreneurship that you want to develop but still don’t know how? Do you want to know what the foundations of social entrepreneurship are? What is the blue economy and how can you take advantage of its opportunities?
From EOLAS we would like to propose you the Blue Social Growth training, under the Erasmus + Program, which has been developed in collaboration with different European entities with the firm purpose of providing solutions to your questions.
Thanks to Blue Social Growth you will be able to learn about concepts such as the blue economy and develop your own ideas for social entrepreneurship. The course (available in English, Spanish, Arabic and Farsi) is completely free and, once you have completed it, you will receive a certificate of achievement.
To access the training you only need to register at https://blue-social-growth.teachable.com/courses. Once you have signed up, don’t forget to send us a confirmation email to: eolas.bluesog@gmail.com.
Once you have finished the course, you’ll be able to ask for mentoring sessions as long as you want to develop your business idea. Don’t forget to mail us once you have finished the course, so we can send you a little questionnaire about the course and the certificate of achievement.
For more information on its objectives and teaching units, you can take a look at the web: http://blue.socialgrowthhub.com
In case of doubt, you can contact us directly via email or write to: Eolas Manon van Leeuwen Eolas Paula Matías
Come on! We’re waiting for you!