Our Principles

Safe Haven for Advocates for Change
We are a dedicated and passionate team working towards development and promotion of social entrepreneurship as a concept to contribute to achieving social change. We love what we do.
Our openness and transparent works are evidence for the integrity and the strong moral principles of the team. The Social Entrepreneurship Observatory (SEO) team is always open and prepared for new partnerships and collaborations with all actors working in the field of social entrepreneurship. SEO provides guidance, advice and capacity building to provide a way forward to new and already established social entrepreneurs highlighting leadership.
Since we believe in the sustainable development as a pathway to social change our vision is > To be an impetus in the development of social entrepreneurship as the main contributor to attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals.
With our innovation policy we intend to fulfill our mission > “To create an enabling environment for development and promotion of social entrepreneurship”, through evidence-based dialogue with all stakeholders willing to contribute for development of this extremely important field.